It?s difficult from this side of the coin to convey to you just how utterly important it is to seriously think about starting a network marketing business. The health benefits of the particular company we work with are obvious and easier to understand, but the business side, the truly life-changing aspect of our business is the hardest to get you to consider. From your position, I know exactly what it looks like. Simply put, it?s just ?too good to be true.? In fact, it must somehow be some sort of money-sucking scam where you end up losing all of your cash and your pride which, I get, can be much harder to part with.
Network marketing is a new concept for many Gen X & Y?ers ? I actually didn?t know anything about it at all when I started. To most baby boomers, it?s obviously a "pyramid scheme" (tell me, can you define that? Because when people do, it sounds exactly like what it?s like to be an employee? I?m just sayin?). Thus, it is much wiser and safer to remain a ?sheeple? and cling desperately to a job that you despise and that slowly drains your precious life force on a daily and consistent basis. Been there, done that, never going back.
Does it really make sense to give up all hope for a better life based solely on some pre-existing fears that, when broken down, aren?t really truth?
Hope is exactly what my network marketing business gave me. It gave me an invaluable way to revolutionize my life ? who I am, what I do, how I define myself, my purpose in life, my ability to help others and impact the world in a lasting way that has the ability to circumvent the entire world and leave a legacy that will continue on much longer than my own time on earth.
Still sound like a scam to you?
As I write this on a plane flying somewhere high above the Southeastern U.S., heading back from a company-sponsored and paid-for retreat at a classy resort in the mountains of the majestic Northwest, network marketing is the best decision I have ever made in my life (besides choosing Rob, my best friend since age 15, as my life mate ).
I want you, the skeptic, the fearful, the self-doubter, the penniless, the stretched way too thin to do anything, the clueless, the burnt-out, the youngster, the retired, the hopeless, the wanderer to understand how allowing network marketing into your life can completely change the course of your life ? and the lives of many others, including the future generations of your family.
Read our story. Call me to pick my brain ? I will abate all of your fears and straighten out your misconceptions. Life is too short to be lived without hope, chained to a daily existence that will inevitably (if it hasn?t already) leave you stressed, cynical, and, worse of all, regretful of not taking a chance to change everything.
If this helped you out, do us and someone else a favor and like it up above, or share it by clicking on one of the icons below!
Remember,? you can keep selling your time, or you can start to share your lifestyle ? it's up to you!
To your success,
Alina & Rob
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