Friday, November 2, 2012

Mid-week Mayhem!! ? CrossFit Metropolis ?> Upper East Side ...

One Year Anniversary Post ?it?s a mushfest, so get ready:

Four walls, barbells, rubber plates and some ERG rowers don?t turn a house into a home. Sweat, chalk stains, grimy floors and long awaited pull-up bars don?t turn a house into home. What turns a house into a home are the people that occupy that house each and every day. What Elove has done to create community of name-knowing, name-gaming, fun-having, hard-working and fitness-achieving people is nothing short of amazing. I?ve spent about six months of my first year of Crossfit actually Crossfitting, but I?ve spent the entire year growing in one of the most amazing communities of people assembled. People like the crazies at 6am; people like the Crossfitting couples who Crossfit together because a fit couple is a happy couple, right?; people like the people who show up day in and day out because they want to challenge themselves and become the best person they can be; and people like the people who coach and challenge us every day.

The beautiful thing about Crossfit Metropolis is that we?re a team and we?re a family. I fell in love with CFM during the Open because I saw a community of people striving to be better as a whole than any one individual. Support, team work, cheer and sweat bounced from every brick of our new home during those five weeks and it was an awesome sight to see. It?s because of this that I don?t believe CFM can be replicated: it?s unique. My first, and lasting, image of CFM was walking into the newbie class on Sunday morning. After ascending the flights of stairs past the autobody shop, I was greeted with a shirtless, hairy man swinging from a rope who plopped to the ground and said ?welcome to Crossfit Metropolis, we?ll be with you soon.? Impossible not to sign up for a 6 month membership immediately following that, right elove1?

I believe that CFM transcends location. It wasn?t bound to Central Park back in the early days, it wasn?t bound to the third floor above an autobody shop, and while it has found a new home on 100th street, it won?t be bound to it either. The reason for this is that the core of it does not change: we start as a team and we finish as a team. We talk about what we learned in the WOD, what struggles we had in the WOD, what went well in the WOD and what we would like to see improved in the WOD. And we do this for every, single, WOD. That?s coaching. That?s progress. That?s teamwork. And that?s not replicated at every, single, other box.

When I walk into the class at CFM, it?s impossible for me not smile from ear to ear. I love this box, I love the people in this box, and I love sweating and cheering and pushing it with you for that painful hour in this box. And afterward, the energy and the feeling in this box is ephemerally awesome and I can?t wait for the next day to go through it all again.

It will be a couple more months until I can WOD again with all of you, and you can probably guess by this post that I?m pretty excited about it. In the meantime, be good, WOD well and eat meat.


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