Sunday, October 7, 2012

Any suggestions - Weight Loss & Dieting - MedHelp

I'm a 32 y/o male. I'm 5'7 and around 208lbs. I'm looking to drop some weight. I know statistically I'm overweight but those charts don't take in account for muscle mass. I have an athletic background consisting of baseball, boxing, and some martial arts. I was recently diagnosed with degenetive disc disease in my lower back so I've had to cut back but I still get about 30-45 minutes on the exercise bike 4-5 days a week. I'm no longer on the typical bodybuilder diet. I eat the leanest cuts of meat I can and fruits and veggies and I let myself have pasta maybe once a week. I'm allergic to dairy so I don't eat cheese, pizza, ice cream ect. I have put on some weight the last year. My mid-section has gotten a little soft. Because of my back, I'd like to trim down to about 175ish. I'm noticing I'm having trouble loosing weight. Thyroid problems do run in my family but I've had it checked and its normal. But I'd like to get some weight off since the older we get the harder it becomes. Any suggestions would be great!


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